J. Michael Straczynski has left an indelible mark on television, film, and literature, captivating audiences with his unparalleled ability to craft intricate narratives and explore the depths of the human experience. From groundbreaking television series like Babylon 5 to iconic comic book runs such as Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Thor, Straczynski has proven time and again that he can seamlessly navigate between different media, each time captivating the hearts and minds of fans.
In his latest sci-fi thriller, The Glass Box, Straczynski takes the reader on a mesmerizing journey inspired by pressing contemporary issues, including our right to protest and the threats designed to undermine that right. Told with drama and heart, The Glass Box is a moving story that features a colorful and often eccentric cast of characters readers will fall in love with.
We will also be celebrating what has been dubbed “the most significant and controversial SF book” of its generation, Harlan Ellison’s Dangerous Visions. This groundbreaking collection launched an entire sub-genre: New Wave science fiction. Straczynski has brought this publication back to life, and has included stories by some of today’s most celebrated science fiction writers.