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Motion Pacific Annual Spring Recital

May 18, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us in celebrating our youth and adult students for our Annual Spring Recital! Held at the Civic Auditorium, May 18th at 2:00pm.

Every May, our Spring Recital brings together youth and adult dancers in the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium. Little Movers turn as tiny ballerinas, adult hip-hoppers storm the stage, and the Motion Pacific Youth Company amazes with original choreography. Dancers of all ages and levels showcase tap, jazz, contemporary, ballet, and work by the Dance for Parkinson’s program. The event is open to the public. The show in 2024 will occur on May 18th at 2pm. Ticketing information is forthcoming.

Tickets $15-$30 Sliding Scale. Please choose a price that feels significant for you and your family. NOTAFLOF (No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds). Please reach out to [email protected] with any ticketing requests.

Important notes for our currently enrolled youth dancers:

Spring Recital Dress Rehearsal will take place on May 17th from 3pm to 8pm at the Civic Auditorium. Please find dress rehearsal call times here.

Spring Recital will take place on May 18th at the Civic Auditorium. Showtime is 2pm, call times are in advance of 2pm. Please find directions and call times here.

Each youth class has unique costuming needs. Find out what you need to acquire on our costume document here or with the button below. Email your youth instructor with any questions on costuming.

If you have not been getting the Parent/Youth emails with important updates and event information, please email [email protected] to get on the email list.

If you are able to volunteer in the following roles, please email [email protected]:

  • Two volunteers to check-in kids pre-show between 11:15am-1:30
  • Six volunteers to stand at the exits for fire security (laws) between 1 -2 pm
  • Two volunteers to hand out programs


May 18, 2024
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Civic Auditorium
307 Church Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States