WE RECOMMEND: Click “Buy On Map” button to select reserved seats.
We strongly recommend that you click “BUY ON MAP” to select seats yourself rather than letting Eventbrite choose seats for you.
More information about the event at the Arts Division Upcoming Events site.
- Seating is assigned.
- Tickets are available online only on a first-come, first-served basis.
- After all standard seating has been sold, any attendee may select Accessible, Companion or Wheelchair spaces.
- Doors are scheduled to open 30 minutes before event start time.
- Your seat may be offered to another if you are not present by event start time.
- For accessibility-related needs, contact the Communications, Events & Marketing Office at [email protected] as soon as possible. This venue has limited seating for guests using wheelchairs. More information about accessible seating at https://arts.ucsc.edu/news_events/accessibility
- Arts Lot #126 is the closest parking lot to the event; pay $5 cash/credit to the parking attendant in Lot 126, use Park Mobile, or display a valid UCSC permit.
- Visitor information here: https://arts.ucsc.edu/news_events/info