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Solstice Family Fun Ride on the Stevens Creek Trail

June 21, 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm

Join us for a Solstice Evening Ride on the SCT. Take a tour, learn all about the creek, and stay tuned for the after party!

About This Event:

Part guided tour by bike, part summer solstice celebration, and full-on fun festivities! Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and Friends of Stevens Creek Trail are partnering for an unforgettable community event. Come together to ride, celebrate nature, hear bikes playing your favorite music from speakers, and experience the Stevens Creek Trail like never before.

The event offers two routes for you to enjoy. The first, about 2-3 miles in an hour or less, is a family-friendly, supportive group ride best for our newest and youngest riders. A second ride of 15 miles will more extensively showcase the creek and its surroundings.

This event is free of cost! Both routes are supported by sweeps who can help with any mechanical issues that may occur while riding and include activities, education, and ride support. Routes will be provided in advance to all registrants.

Please bring your bike, a helmet, flat repair (if you have it), bike lights, and dress for the weather!

This event is a partnership between Friends of Stevens Creek Trail, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, and the GBike team, and is the 11th in the quarterly Wheels & Waterways event series sponsored by Valley Water.

To donate to Friends of Stevens Creek Trail, please visit the FoSCT Donation Page.

To donate to SVBC, please use the donation ticket in Eventbrite, or visit the SVBC Donation Page.


2100 Crittenden Ln
2100 Crittenden Lane
Mountain View, CA 94043 United States